Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream, Old Friends, & Computers

Top 5 Ice cream:
1. Baskin Robbins- Mint Chocolate Chip
2. Zwallens-Vanilla
3. Haagen-Dazs Coffee
4. Coldstone- Banana
5. Hershey's- Cookies N' Cream

I wanted to reward myself today for getting all my CIS HW done, but I completely failed because I am computer illiterate and impossibly impatient with anything that has to do with artsy software (why can't they just let me use a frigging pen and draw on the screen...VOILA~ I'd have you a masterpiece website with all your deepest desires...).

I've had my eye on Baskin Robbins Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream ever since school started. Sadly, making a left turn on 73 & Butler takes too much time and effort...so I always tell myself that AFTER class, I'll get me some of that good stuff...*sigh*...never happens...UNTIL TODAY!!! Although I couldn't reward myself for completing my HW assignment, I justified my little guilty pleasure with the fact that my head hurt from Dreamweaver and that I needed something delicious to remedy it ^^* teehee!

Old friends...No, not the friend whom you haven't heard from in awhile, but the kind of friends that you probably will never see ever again. Not because you don't want to but because you have no means of reaching them.
So...I started a mental list of all the people I could think of that I have no means of finding them. All I remember are their first names
-Lisa (6-7)
-Wendy (5-7)
-Billy (K)
-Philip (Pre-K)
-Samantha (Pre-K)
-Jimmy (K-2)
-Gerri (3)

...Hmm, I thought there were more...but I guess that's it. HA.
Not as profound as I thought it would be. Anyhoo~ Maybe they will find this blog...HAHA =)

I wanted to blurb about how much I hate computers, but then realized how sadly ironic it would be for me to complain about how much I hate computers ON a computer.
So...for the moment, I just hate Dreamweaver and think I shall skippy on to Barnes and Nobles to purchase me "Dreamweaver for Dum-Dums".

...oOo I LOVE Dumdums~!!!

I worked out yesterday for the first time in an attempt to be healthy and remain young.
IBC has individual TV for ellipticals now!!! <3 love it! I also popped a pimple that really hurt =( gross.

Look how cute!

Wow, I fully enjoyed writing this mindless blog <3